Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Urgent Prayer Need

Hello all.  I'm back in the states, but I need to make another update now.  I got a call from Haley today which held some really bad news.

Earlier today, the mother of three of the littliest girls came to visit.  I don't think I'm supposed to use names on here.  These girls have lived on the farm for around 2 years and come from an extremely bad background.  They were picked up from a hospital at which they had been abandoned.  The oldest one was taking care of the younger two at the age of 7.  Honduras isn't kind to 3 unprotected little girls.  Anyhow, today the mother managed to grab the girls and get on a bus before anybody could stop her. 

Please, please be in prayer for these girls.  The were living at the farm for a reason.  I'm not sure what I can share on here.  I've probably said more than I should.  Yet, my fear for these three little girls is that they'll end up back in the horrible conditions that they were in before. 

God answers prayers.  Please pray for my friends.