Monday, September 3, 2012

Throw me a bone here

Hey yo.  Long time no talk.  I'm going to write a short blog.

So, I'll update on ministry and school stuff in the next week or so.  Tonight, I want to talk about the Botkin Soup Kitchen and some help that I need.  There are about 9 children who come every night to the Botkin's house that I am sleeping at.  They like food.  I was making sandwiches, until I figured out I was going to be bankrupt making 10 sandwiches every night.  So now we do rice bags most nights and sandwiches on the weekend according to my budget needs.

Also, there is a 6th grader in the family who is graduating from primary school.  The mother has been by to ask me for a LARGE amount of money.  Well, large for Honduran single mothers or broke missionaries.  Its 800 lempira, or about 40 dollars. 

So here is how you can help.  If you would like to get some food money coming in for these kids, you can.  Its not going through the PTC minisry or has anything to do with our girls, but it is a need.  These kids don't have shoes or clean clothes which all of our girls have.  But I'll be here for the next 7 weeks and the Botkins will be here until Jesus comes back.  So if you'd like to help the food kitchen, let me know.

Also, the kid that needs 40 dollars.  I told the mother that I would ask some of my rich american friends.  I said that if nobody else wanted to help her, I would pay for it.  Which I plan to.  But, it is a large sacrifice for me.  This is me asking if anybody wants to donate 40 bucks so a kid can graduate.  Or, if you wanted to donate a little, i'll cover the rest.  Let me know. 

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."  James 1:27

1 comment:

  1. Let me know how I can get some money to you. I will send $ 50. Use it as you need.
