Sunday, November 21, 2010

Adios for now

So we've made it to what will probably be my last blog update until February.  Sorry about no pictures in the last several blogs, I haven't had good enough connection to upload any.

First off, I want to thank everybody who has read these.  Its meant more than I can explain to know that folks are keeping up with me.  Before I left, I was really afraid of leaving everything I've ever known in America.  But its been amazing to know that people are still here with me in a way.  Your encouraging words and prayers have meant far more to me than you can possibly understand.

So, I'm here for about 9 more days, but I probably won't post again.  Any fun things that happen in my last days, I'll probably just tell you guys in person when I get home.  I've got more stories than I can keep up with.  I can't wait to sit and reflect and talk with everybody.  I'm too pumped about it for words.  But for the last 9 days, I'll probably be at the farm with the girls for a majority of the time.  I've already started to get sad about the thought of being away from them for 2 months.  But, somebody has to put pan on the mesa.

So thats December 1st that I'll be back.  I'm working for 2 months with my wonderful big brother.  Thanks for the job Sam and Mark.  You guys rock.  I'll be home December and January.  If any Sunday School classes want me to come talk or share, please let me know.  My number in the states is 770-616-6673.  I would absolutely love to come share with anybody and everybody about how God is working in Honduras, how wonderful these girls are, a plethra of stories about life here, or about the needs and ministry opportunities that are down at PTC.  I really think that some of the reason God has allowed somebody like me to be here is to tell people.  I don't want to tell people MY story specifically, but about these girls, this ministry, and my amazingly loving and compassionate God.  So feel free to contact me.

Jesus said in the gospels that loving Him might require us to leave our homes and families and not look back.  I'm feel incredibly blessed that he's allowing me to come back and see the people I love though. I look forward to seeing everybody very soon.

-Ben Heath

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