So my "job" is difficult to put into words. I would consider all and none of this a real "job". I'm working probono until December 1st fom my first stay here, and then will most likely return early in 2011. Some of my "purposes" are to teach/tutor a group of 8 or 10 high school and middle school girls. My girls attend a home school-type program on saturdays, and are tutored through different programs during the week. Other than teachering, another "purpose" for me at the farm is to simply hang out with the girls. The girls enjoy soccer, watching movies, playing games, and most of the time just laughing. Both parts of my "job" have been extremely enjoyable thus far. I really feel as though I am just starting to get the hang of things down here.
In my first 2 weeks here, I have aquired more stories than I have time to write and probably more than anybody cares to listen to. I've walked for hours through the wilderness to deliver rice and pinatas to impoverished schools, ridden with 29 human beings in a small nissan truck, walked a handful of miles down dirt roads, learned some spanish from pre-school children, sold rabbits, and have had the opportunity to get to know some of the sweetest girls.

-Ben Heath
Glad you got rid of the flowers! Also glad to see some of the dirt you like so much represented. Also I like your creation of new words such as teachering. You are doing a great job.