School itself has been very interesting for me as well as my girls. For my first week or two, I was able to play games, joke around, and laugh with the girls. Yet, my time as a "friend" shifted into my time as a "teacher" this week. Responsibilty is not the greatest thing in the world. On Wednesday or so, the girls thought it be cute to lock me out of the classroom. I almost had to murder a few of them. Ok, maybe murder is a bit strong (and potentially not a word the board wants me to use in reference to the girls), but teacher Ben was not happy. A bit of yelling and hurt feelings later, I think we all understood our roles a bit better. Although I'm still not exactly sure what is going all of the time at the school, I feel like I'm a bit closer to finding my groove after this week.
The weekend was wonderful and rejuvenating. I was able to meet my friends Morgan and Clayton in La Esperanze for lunch and then hang out with them at the farm. It was nice to have a relaxing and greatly slowed down weekend with the girls, friends, and a little protein. We were able to end the trip off with chasing down a bus in a truck. Fairly exciting if I say so myself.
A few random notes to make as well. It is taking me FOREVER to upload photos. I'm not complaining, but I really have a ton a pictures that I would love to post here. Yet, in the future, if there are not many pictures, its because I didn't have an hour so sit and wait. And this week, I'm not sure why they are so incredibly large. Hope thats ok though.
A second note, I found on my computer that somebody had downloaded some music and left it. I think it was Josh and Allison. It was amazing this last week to find some Counting Crows and Jack Johnson to listen to. Big thanks to Josh and Al or whoever it was who downloaded the music. Its real nice to have a taste of home.

Well, another short blog entry. I plan to update this a bit more often so as to include the stories and experiences of my weeks in Honduras. I feel like I have left a ton of information out, but its a bit difficult to find the time and/or internet connection to update frequently. This post has been a little sparatic and spread out through a few days, so forgive me. Thank you for checking in on me. Your prayers and encouragements are always needed. And remember, "there's always going to be a hair in the soup."